Can we ever be sure about something or is there always doubt,I wonder. When we look back at our actions doesn't it make us wonder why did we choose to solve the problem certain way? How do certain incidents in our lives follow each other and make a circle? And that circle usually seems to be a labyrinth. Does that mean that we exaggerate small things and life is much more easier then it seems?It seems as if there is always 1% doubt in our certainty.So if there is doubt how can there be certainty. Let's take a simple example of going to a grocery store with a specific list of products. We walk down the aisle and suddenly chocolate catches our eye and BOOM, we forget about the list and go to grab the chocolate. Of course this is a general example it doesn't have to be a chocolate bar,the point is changing our mind. We will grab the objects of the list later on of course but later on i promise you will tell yourself "Did i need that chocolate,why did i waste a dollar or two on that?".So many times we are sure of our feelings towards some people,but when we see them we act quite differently So is the doubt the enemy for some great outcomes? When we act differently it seems like we are defending ourselves with doubt's "safe" support. Just imagine you're in a group of people and you all are discussing a topic that concerns each one of you. You are about to share your opinion and then someone brings up an argument that makes you doubt about it. If you were that certain of what you wanted to say,why did you change your mind?
Our actions depend on our decisions.So is the doubt part of our past,present and future? Can doubt be beneficial or is it our enemy?The doubt may make you shut your mouth for the second you wanted to talk and later on lead you to a conclusion that it was in your benefit to keep silence.
Marie Sevs(Mari Sevoyan)