We are born as already married to ourselves. We bear with our ego. Throughout our lives we try to love ourselves for who we are. While "me" is a subject of a change during our lives for more than thousand times. If we compare the point (marriage to one’s self) and marriage between two it appears a marriage of four ,if we count our egos as well. The battle between us and our ego lasts as long as we live. Does this mean that we are never independent enough? It’s easy to assume that accepting someone is hard since accepting yourself is much harder. One may easily go against my point and say the opposite,that coping with one’s self is the easiest thing. Anyways,I am certain that the one who says that battles with himself/herself behind the walls of their shelter. We all doubt time to time about whether we are good enough, are we taking the right path or are we loved enough? Our relationships and thoughts lead us to a constant monopoly. We produce our thoughts and sell them or more gently said exchange them with the help of our ability to communicate. We steal each other’s thoughts- ideas (cheating just like in the game). We end up in prison of our depression and expect others help us to get out of that state (by paying the fine) which actually is by comforting us and saying that we are good enough. Why do we always need someone to tell us that we are good enough? In my opinion it’s just the case that our ego needs to be fed by the compliments of others in order to let us live peacefully. We value the exchange of the information (the gossip) . It is one way to feed our curiosity (as we are curios during the monopoly about how much money does our partner in the game still have). It is not a secret that life is a game and it is up to us to win or to lose it. The game lasts as long as one lives and the cycle keeps repeating itself as long as we keep playing the same way. The strategy and the approach that we take towards our game (our life) is the key to the progress.
Marie Sevs (Mari Sevoyan)